Detecting copied programs - BANDIT

Managing programming laboratories means we have to think about plagiarism. Without some control, it really does get well out of hand, which ends up being demotivating for everyone concerned.Over the last few years we have developed a system called Bandit to cope with this. This collects work submitted by the students to a laboratory archive, and browses through from time to time looking for copied code. The archive integrates into our overall laboratory management system - ARCADE - which means they get warnings about work they have marks for that was not submitted to the archive; ultimately arcade witholds marks for work that isnt archived. Keeping the archive record makes it easier for us to track down any missing marks too.

Bandit analyses code by breaking the submitted program into a stream of lexical tokens that is independent of the layout of the program, and such vagaries as comments or the variable names that have been used. It does this on newly submitted programs and keeps the tokenised representations of the files. Detecting plagiarism is then a matter of comparing the token streams of programs and looking for sequences of similar tokens in them, from which a "similarity" score is assigned to the pair of programs.

The graph shows the distribution of plagiarism in one course for the 40 highest scoring program pairs. The Y-axis is the similarity score. So as we move down the program pairs, we fall rapidly from a 100% match down to 20% by pair 12. So this course isnt doing too bad, and we should look closely at those 12 pairs.

Most systems I am aware of then leave you the task of sifting through the information and looking at the programs by hand to see whether they are really copies. Bandit comes into its own at this point as you can see below.

Color Key
  suspect sections of code
  region we are inspecting (suspect)
  code supplied for the exercise
  code not copied 
We see two programs above. The two coloured  bars near the bottom show an overview map in which red is coppied work, and on the main screens we are looking at a particular region of suspect code. This makes it very easy to look at the programs Bandit brings to your attention and see what exactly is going on. It also makes it very easy to present this evidence to the individuals concerned.

It can be interesting seeing the novel ways people use to disguise coppies. Apart from the obvious white space and formatting conversion, changing of identifiers etc., - converting "for" loops to "while" is a recent fashion here.

In order to fool Bandit you would need to rearrange all the tokens in your program so that no suspicious structural correspondence remained. It only takes a small region of identical code to stand out, or a lot of small fragments. You would certainly have to understand a lot about a program in order to rearrange all the statements in that way and still have it work! and that would be more effort than writing the program in the first place, so if someone got past the detector that way then we would have succeeded in teaching them something about programming!

The next goal is to have Arcade automatically email students as soon as they submit work that is suspected of being copied. That sounds implausible, but we think it can be made to work and would cut out the copying syndrome before it gets started (so less work for all concerned).

There's a short paper on Bandit presented the Computers in Teaching conference in Dublin in 1995 - pd_paper.pdf.


The people involved in the plagiarism project over the years are: Malcolm Shute , Koshor Mistry, Haydn Robinson and Adrian West.

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